Well, after a solid 3 posts in August I have neglected to write here for the last 3 and 1/2 months. While I can justify my absence for the much of the time due to purchasing our first home as well as some health issues, I can also say that recently things have settled down and my lack of writing has been more due to distraction with easier ways to spend my time and hesitation for fear that I needed to orchestrate an epic, memorable post for my return. But I have realized that instead I just need to set things in motion again and so here I am announcing my pledge to do my first 30 day challenge, which is something I referenced in my first post.
I've set what I feel is a very achievable goal for my first challenge: take one picture every day. There is part of me that wants to do a challenge that seems more obviously aimed at self-improvement, for instance walking or meditating every day. But these take more time and therefore are less likely to stick, even for what seems like a small commitment of 30 days. Taking a picture, on the other hand, should be very doable, especially now that we have smartphones we carry everywhere. And although I'm far from a photographer, I still can sense I will have a tendency to want to make my photo for the day be just perfect. But I am going to fight that urge and focus on simply following through with this challenge and not worry about how they turn out. What's also nice about this challenge is that the pictures will keep a record for me, so I don't even need to mark something off a calendar if I don't want to. If I end up with some nice photos when it's all said and done, so be it, but again, the goal here is just to complete the challenge.
I've set what I feel is a very achievable goal for my first challenge: take one picture every day. There is part of me that wants to do a challenge that seems more obviously aimed at self-improvement, for instance walking or meditating every day. But these take more time and therefore are less likely to stick, even for what seems like a small commitment of 30 days. Taking a picture, on the other hand, should be very doable, especially now that we have smartphones we carry everywhere. And although I'm far from a photographer, I still can sense I will have a tendency to want to make my photo for the day be just perfect. But I am going to fight that urge and focus on simply following through with this challenge and not worry about how they turn out. What's also nice about this challenge is that the pictures will keep a record for me, so I don't even need to mark something off a calendar if I don't want to. If I end up with some nice photos when it's all said and done, so be it, but again, the goal here is just to complete the challenge.
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